
Notes of Motivation

Personal Development

Notes of Motivation

Notes of Motivation. Mini audio book.


This is to motivate and inspire you. To challenge you to go hard on yourself… Step out and dare to challenge yourself, dirty yourself, be willing to fail and accept the NO’s only implying Next Option. For only those who try and dare to fail greatly ever succeed. You will win if you don’t quit. So long as there is breath in you, persist.

Often time we give up too soon, too often. Sometimes almost at the verge of breaking through or winning.

Choose this day to give it one more try, one more time, not to give up and hang in there a little while. You will win!

As you listen may you be inspired!

The best is yours!!!!

Bernard Kelvin Clive(BKC)

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Comment (1)

  1. Yvonne

    Thanks!God bless u n keep it up;

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