Former South African president, anti-apartheid leader, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, the father of modern South Africa and global icon Nelson Mandela died at age 95.
Tributes from various individuals as they pay tribute to one of the world’s greatest leaders who ever lived.
We are in an era where everyone is a publisher, Speaker and a media house, everyone can talk and write, but you must learn to earn the right to be read and heard. Nelson Mandela – died empty, we will say he lived fully, leaving an indelible mark in history!
“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”― Nelson Mandela
A life well lived!
“I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment”
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
“Difficulties break some men but make others. No axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a sinner who keeps on trying, one armed with the hope that he will rise even in the end.” —From a letter to Winnie Mandela, 1975
The Book: Nelson Mandela Tributes
Here are the tributes:
These are from Facebook statuses/timeline posts (unedited).
“A legacy of Mandela
Others can better write about Nelson Mandela’s impact on the world stage, on how he stood up for the dignity of all people and on how he changed our world.
For those that seek to make a change in the world, whether global or local, one lesson of his life is this:
You can.
You can make a difference.
You can stand up to insurmountable forces.
You can put up with far more than you think you can.
Your lever is far longer than you imagine it is, if you choose to use it.
If you don’t require the journey to be easy or comfortable or safe, you can change the world.” ~ Seth Godin
“Nelson Mandela’s work to bring down apartheid in South Africa and unify a nation inspired and energized thousands of people to fight for equality. May his legacy live on.” ~ Brian Tracy
“Nelson Mandela reminded me what it means to be a human being. He modelled dignity, courage, patience, grit, focus, understanding, forgiveness. And love.” ~ Robin Sharma
“The mighty has fallen … akwantu bi da yen anim… nanti dwoo dwooo” ~ Kweku Mamphey
“Nelson Mandela 1918-2013
Our heartfelt and deepest condolences go to the people of South Africa on the death of their beloved leader and President Nelson Mandela. His life exemplified humility, moral courage, and the belief in justice, reconciliation, unity, and the ideals of freedom and democracy.
Madiba’s life was a living example of grace and forgiveness in the face of unspeakable suffering; hard work and sacrifice with dignity; and an uncompromising belief that all people can work together to change conditions of disparity and economic inequality, and can learn to live together in peace. The legacy of his life and leadership compels us to continue his work to build communities, countries, and a world where all people can manifest their GREATNESS, and live their dreams.” ~ Les Brown
“A great light has passed on;
But his legacy lives on and on
For those who celebrate the victory
He won,
And the example he left
Cheers us on.
Rest in peace, sir,
Rest in perfect peace, Madiba.
Our condolences to his family and the nation of
South Africa.” ~ Nana Yaa Larbi
NELSON MANDELA was considered one of the last remaining True leaders of our generation and the 21stcentury. His dedication and sacrifice for the betterment of others in South Africa and citizens of the world was a standard for all aspiring leaders to emulate. I have had the privilege of meeting this Icon of great leadership and was deeply humbled by his spirit of humility, service and empathy for the weak and disadvantaged. As we come to grips with the passing of this great man of Character as the curtain closes on his earthly journey, we pray that his departure was painless. As President Mandela leaves us a legacy of humility, compassion, forgiveness, and reconciliation we must accept the reality and inevitability of his mortality as humans.
President Nelson Mandela has served his generation with excellence and purity in motive and will be honored by History. He fulfilled the definition of Leadership established by the greatest leader in history, Jesus Christ himself who said: “WHOEVER WANTS TO GREAT MUST BE THE SERVANT OF ALL”. Nelson Mandela has exemplified this divine definition and we honor his legacy. As Chairman of the International Third World Leaders Association (ITWLA) I and the entire global Family of Leaders and Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) and Myles Munroe International (MMI) I wish to extend our best heartfelt condolences and gratitude, thanks and deep appreciation to President Nelson Mandela and to the members and family for giving the Hon. President Nelson Mandela man to all of us. May God bless his legacy? – Dr. Myles Munroe December 5, 2013.” ~ Myles Munroe
“Nelson Mandela was a shepherd as a little boy and grew up to become a Shepherd of the people. I never got to meet him. But I did read a lot about his conquests. I would have heard his voice many times and always felt the power in the upward swing of his arm, pounding his fist into the air. At 95 he has lived a full life! Richly blessed with the Wisdom of a Million Men and enough peacefulness to instill calm over continents. I think of it this way, ‘ One of the Worlds Greatest Men is an African’. And now my brothers and sisters we have to continue what he’s started! Tonight I’m so Proud to be African. Nothing is ever impossible! Such a great job exceptionally well done! RIP Mandela!” ~ Anita Erskine
“The last time I felt this way was when I heard of Steve Jobs death. I can’t believe Madiba is gone but you will forever be in our hearts. We will not forget. We will miss you. We love you. Viva Madiba Viva.” ~ JaySmoke Repjesusent
“Ayeeko Papa, you inspired us to lay down our lives for humanity’s sake. We will continue the struggle for our people’s liberation in a more determined, forceful and strategic way. We promise to ensure that your dream does not only stay alive, but is also fulfilled. May your soul rest in perfect peace. Africa shall be free !!!!” ~ Charles A. Sam Gfp
“This is not a sad occasion. We MUST celebrate Mr. Mandela’s life! He contributed so much to the world, even though he was locked up for years… his legacy still moved on while he was alive!!! I appreciate him. He is wonderful and we are all blessed because he was alive!!! Rest in Peace Mr. Nelson Mandela!!! #fleurdelys#RIP” ~ Lauren G Reliford
“Every time Melinda and I met Nelson Mandela, we left more inspired than ever. His grace and courage changed the world. This is a sad day.” ~ Bill Gates
He was truly an African hero and leader – a man of indefatigable determination, steely courage, indomitable spirit and unbending will. He endured great hardships and personal sacrifices to bring freedom to his people. Yet, he had a heart big enough to forgive and reconcile. He indeed will rest in peace.
The contrast between Mandela and the others is like night and day. Mandela served only one term; they serve 10, 20, 30 and even 40 years in office. And then groom their wives, sons, cats, dogs and even goats to succeed them. The presidency is their family property.
Mandela died peacefully in his own country. The others die violently – Khaddafi, shot in between the eyes; Abacha poisoned; Samuel Doe, an ear cut off; Mainassara, blown into bits, etc. Many died in exile or foreign hospitals.
Mandela never had a Swiss bank account or a mansion in foreign capital. Most of the others have looted their treasuries clean to build huge fortunes and mansions abroad. Since 1970, over $1 trillion has been removed from Africa in illicit financial flows.
Mandela never arrested a critic or anyone who disagreed with him. Many of the others label critics as “terrorists,” “saboteurs,” “counter-revolutionaries,” “colonial stooges,” etc. to be liquidated. One can even be jailed for saying that the president is not well.
Mandela could sit down and reconcile with his tormentors and enemies. Most of the others have a heart as cold as ice. Their idea of reconciliation is confrontation with a bazooka, multiple grenade launchers and heavy-duty firepower, ready for battle.
Had Africa had just 10 Mandelas after independence in the 1960s, the history of post colonial Africa would have been vastly different. At least, the failed and collapsed states – Somalia, Liberia, Libya, Rwanda, etc. – would have been saved.
The problem today is, we can’t remove many of them without destroying our countries. Yet, they are the very same despicable varmints who will troop to Mandela’s funeral and weep uncontrollably. Some coconut tears.
Evidently, Mandela’s work is unfinished. Oppression is oppression irrespective of the skin color or race of the oppressor. Africa is still not free. She needs a second liberation from the black neo-colonialists, Swiss bank socialists, Jaguar Marxists, quack revolutionaries, military coconuts, crocodile liberators, briefcase bandits and and and (add yours)” ~ George Ayittey
“There were only 3 people that I wanted to meet in life, Nelson Mandela was one of them. What a life, what a journey, what a man. Thank you for passing this way! God bless your resting soul!” ~ Tyler Perry
“The most important part of life is how you end it.
At a point in his life, he was declared as a terrorist but later ended up as a peace maker.
At a point in his life, he was deemed as a nuisance but he later ended up as statesman.
At a point in his, he was a convicted criminal but he ended up as a respected president.
The interesting phases of life.
RIP Madiba!” ~ Hero Lawrence Kwafo
“Words cannot describe the profound impact of this incredible man. A true inspiration and champion of peace. Thank you for your lifetime of service to humanity.” ~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
“Sad to hear about the passing of Nelson Mandela – he was the greatest figure of the 20th century – a fascinating man.” ~ Larry King
“We have lost an icon today. There will be none like Madiba. I hear my young people talk about Madiba as if they knew him. You demonstrated forgiveness and taught us love despite people’s hatred and domination. You were and are great. You were willing to live and die for your values. You now belong to the ages and you have gone back to where you were sent from. Well done good & faithful servant. You were a sinner that kept on trying and that’s why your a saint. You were guided by your hopes not by your fears. You were one of a kind. You were a Father to all of us. It was a pleasure to live during your time and we will tell our children about you. You lived an awesome life. I have no tears but I breath hard because you fulfilled purpose. We appreciate you sir. Go with God and rest in perfect peace. Bye bye sir.” ~Charles Emeka
Sound Of Our Tears
[For Nelson Mandela]
Do we cry
When the midnight sun
Is brightly shining on our faces?
When you’re peacefully
Smiling beside your creator?
When songs are evolving
From the feet of earth
To touch the lips of your glory?
Oh Madiba Rolihlahla!
Tonight we worship you
We trace the smile of your legacy
To the waves of freedom
That blows ceaselessly in our hearts
That encapsulate our fears
That frown on our shared sorrows
Oh Madiba Rolihlahla!
We will tell tomorrow of
Your greatness
An epitome of “Grass to Grace”
We will tell them of the hero
That lived and shared in the joy
Of his people walking on tiles of
Tranquility and serenity
The hero that left traces his
Success deeply embedded
In our DNA
Oh Madiba Rolihlahla!
Tonight we sing you
The stars twinkle your name
In admiration and affection
The pale moon smiles in your legacy
Your people chant your name
In songs of freedom
In songs of, that makes you whole
I will tell tomorrow
Through my scripted lines
What joy your brought to us
What comfort you weaved in our hearts
What inspiration you planted in our spirit
Oh Madiba Rolihlahla
I will tell tomorrow of you
I will sing tomorrow a song
With your name glowing in it
“Rest in the Lord Sir, May you rest in the bosom of the Lord, Mr Mandela we loved you.” ~ Sara Nana Yeboah
“Outstanding legacy you’ve left, Madiba. Great Job. You will forever be here. Rest peacefully.” ~Benjamin Gregory Aggrey
“Nelson Mandela: the face of Africa. What African leaders and African citizens could become in conviction, commitment, sacrifice, dignity and integrity.” ~ Adwoa Badoe
“All I can say about this man is he was chosen and sent to earth to change the world, to serve and show us what love is. Each one of us deserves and gets rest when their work is complete. He was an amazin man who went thru more trials and tribulations than one can ever imagine and he faced them with such strength!Tata Madiba’s work here is done, he fulfilled his purpose on earth, he touched and changed over a million lives on earth. “There was no particular day on which I said, henceforth I will devote myself to the liberation of my people; instead I simply found myself doing so and could not do otherwise” as I quote from his book Long walk to freedom.. This man was a servant of his nation and a servant does what he MUST DO ,it is done,his work has been fulfilled and he has gone back to the Father to rest. Your spirit lives on Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela!!!” ~ Purl Loeto
..”An Ideal to see South Africa free was an Ideal I was prepared to live for,and if need be ,It was an Ideal I was prepared to die for”..? What are you Prepared to live and die for? Nelson Madela you will forever remain in our hearts” ~ Albert Kusi
“When asked how he wants to be remembered, Nelson Mandela responded that his tombstone should bear the words “here lies a man who performed his duty”. That set me thinking. We all have several duties to perform but it appears there is a specific duty that destiny places in every heart; a calling that our giftings will aid; a disturbance in the soul that wont go away. May God gives us all the courage to perform that specific duty for which we were born. RIP Madiba!!” ~ Caleb Ayiku
“Some people come into this world to make history and change things and a whole lot of others come to observe those who make these histories. Nelson Mandela is one of those rare gems who came to leave his foot paths on the sands of time. Goodbye Madeba” ~ Longy Agoha
“An outstanding model of leadership. May his soul rest in perfect peace. RIP Mandela” ~ Joseph Kojo Tamakloe
“Bye bye Madiba. Go on to your long walk. May it be peaceful.” ~Terry Mante
REST IN PEACE ..Mr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela~”Tata Madiba”
“Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.” ~ Nelson Mandela 1996 Hamba Kahle Tata ~ Sharon de Gannes
“Twice I’ve been to Soweto. You can’t be there without feeling Mandela. Great respect for Madiba! The world has lost a true and political leader! RIP Papa Nelson Mandela!!” ~ Kenneth Nkemnacho
“You epitomize Leadership so inspirational and visionary. You demonstrated an exemplary life of forgiveness, peace, love and selflessness in political leadership for development. You were the heroic voice of courage, when all Africa and your people needed was one to stand for conscience and truth. Truly, a leader of all times#Nelson Mandela #You were ahead of your colleagues yet you served your generation in time. Now, we mourn that u leave the earth but we also celebrate you, a true son of a blessed Continent. Your ways remain with us. Take your rest Madiba!” ~ Eric Kwaku Edem Damanka
“You were the perfect Leader to Mentor African Youth. We longed to meet you but never had the Chance, instead, we resorted to reading about you. You were selfless, radical and an epitome of True African Leadership. You inspired many including me “profoundly”. African Leaders must learn from you, our generation and generations after will learn from you.” #RIP#MADIBA!” ~John Armah
“We all see ourselves reflected in your glory. A glory that arises from your humility and sense of forgiveness. You liberated your country yet refused to hold it hostage. Your greatness is stern from your humanity. Your genuineness of character and high sense of forgiveness will continue to smoulder not only in the huts and hovels of Africa, but also within the hearts and conscience of the world. Nelson Rolihlahla Madiba Mandela, You will forever be missed!!! We miss you already. Proceed to perfect rest but Return If Possible” ~Kojo Kedem
I grieve for you, Madiba, I grieve for you.
Now you can live, now you can live free.
Now you are free, free and at peace.
Now at peace, at your maker’s feet.
Yours has been a life well lived.
You lead all to freedom,
You taught all with wisdom.
Rest in peace then Madiba;
Rest, for yours was a long walk to freedom.” ~ Kwame Kyere Diabour
“Great is the soul that just fell,
The Xhosa Warrior,
That eater of the Apartheid fire, Who just walked on into the other life.
Oh, how I envy the satisfaction he feels now:
“The struggle is my life”, he declared!
Oh, GOD of Africa, that I may also say, “The struggle is my life”
-The struggle for Africa’s dignity.
Madiba the revered of his kind,
Has taken the bow scheduled for all men.
His raises the tempo of the question we all in Africa must answer:
What shall be the content of the dirge when we too take our bows?
Africa lies wasted and enough have we waited for Her redemption.
Madiba is gone with his deed ahead of him
and his praise behind him
His name is now a noble reference
Because Serving Society was his preference,
His country and his people were is passion… ”
-ABEKU Adams SPEAKS! #EbusuapanyinHOTEPisJoyfullySad” ~Hotep Abeku Adams
“CECILSONS AFRICA CELEBRATE NELSON MANDELA, former President, South Africa. A great leader by all standards. May God give you your place of rest!!! CECILSONS celebrate you as a living legacy!!!” ~ Rene Cecilson
“Prison Could Not Kill The Hopes Of A Determined Man…..27 Years In Prison Did Not Break Nelson Mandela. 18 of those years in a cell with no bed and no plumbing! His life has left a legacy of fighting for justice everywhere!” ~ Shirley-Ann Asafo-Boakye
“If only I had half a heart like yours and mankind, half your meekness. I thank God I didn’t read about you in history books. I will proudly tell my children’s children that I walked the Earth at the same time as the greatest man that ever lived, Africa’s most precious gem, a hero like none before and after. You are blessed Nelson Mandela, Good Night Madiba! I bow to you very low.” ~ Nihad Djouwe Gervais
“Nelson Madiba Mandela, you’ve fought a good fight and you departed this world with a good name. Rest in peace Madiba!!!” ~ Lawrencia Elikem Zigah
“Damirifa due, Nelson Mandela.
Your words ring as true this day as when you first spoke and wrote them:
“A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.”
” Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite”
” I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended”
But now you may rest; for in serving your people and humanity you have earned your place and peace.
May your soul rest in perfect peace.
And like the few selfless leaders and true shining stars this continent knows, may your indomiable spirit and legacy live on.
Damirifa due, Nelson Mandela.
Nyame mfa wo nsie.” ~ King Kwasi Kyei Darkwah
“Nelson Mandela…. The son of mama Africa has finally found rest.. Back to the soil he goes.. Back to heaven he ascends but his name and legacy shall forever remain here with us, guiding us and leading us.. One Africa.. One love.. One people… Rest in peace Ta Ta” ~ BiBi Bright
“I was not a messiah, but an ordinary man who had become a leader because of extraordinary circumstances.
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
“It’s a Sad day for “South Africa & Humanity”
Nelson Mandela Dies at age of 95 in his hometown..,
It’s a sadden time for entire World as we have lost another “Humanitarian”.!!!” ~ Sunny Gupta
“I am hearing that Nelson Mandela has passed on. Words are not enough to express the void he will leave in the world. His presence represented the beauty of humanity, what we should aspire to be in our outlook to life and in the way we relate to others. He has been a personal mentor of mine just through the rich history he helped create and I will continue to be a student of his as long as I live. With the most heartfelt sense of grief and a joy of knowing he is resting in eternal peace I join billions across the world who will no doubt miss him. Rest in peace Prince of peace!” ~ Dumi Senda
“Nelson Mandela is a true inspiration, a true leader and a true man of peace. He showed Africa and the rest of the world that black and white can live together in peace in Africa, his love was felt all over the world, tho we’ve lost him which breaks my heart…….I know for sure in our hearts he will always live. R.I.P. Nelson Mandela” ~ Augustine Jebor
“The world has lost a great champion of freedom and equality in Nelson Mandela. My family and I had the privilege in 1994 to witness the first democratic election in South Africa first hand from the Kingdom of Swaziland. To see the miles long lines of voters was more than inspiring. To work with young people from South Africa just after that for 5 years here in the states who brought a message of racial reconciliation was certainly a blessing. Madiba is gone, but his legacy will live on.” ~Dave Lenehan
“Nelson Mandela freed himself long before he walked out of jail at 71 years of age. He was the epitome of humanitarianism and compassion. I am grateful for the lessons he modeled for us. He was determined to be purposeful and dignified, courageous in the face of death. He lived his life so that others might live theirs. God bless his soul.” ~ Carolyn Jones
“Nelson Mandela lived his life, fulfilled his purpose, set a good example, brought a whole nation together, gave hope to his generation, clearly showed that no matter what nothing is impossible with God.” ~ Samuel Ohene-Apraku
“Rest In Peace-NELSON MADIBA MANDELA. What a way to tell the end story of a great leader:A WORLD CHANGER,A PACE SETTER AND A TRAIL-BLAIZER.#May God comfort your family.” ~ Jonathan A. Bill
We mourn your ascension
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.
Son of Mother Africa
Father of South Africa
Conqueror of Apartheid
Unprisonable Prisoner
Gracious Spirit
Way Maker
Warrior King…
Your mother is proud of you
And tonight she’ll embrace you.
Nkrumah, Ghandi, Teresa,
King, Malcom, where are you?
Welcome your dear brother
With a calabash of fresh palm wine
For he has a lot to tell you folk.
Like incorrigible beggars
In the presence of plenty,
They looted and raped
And looted and killed
And looted and stole
Till they thought they
Were kings. Beggar kings.
For twenty seven years,
You were shackled
Bound by weaklings
Who’d placed their hope
In their chains and guns and dogs.
They labelled you terrorist
For they were terrified of you
Even when they called you prisoner 46664.
But with each day your mane grew back.
Your spirit stirred, patiently waiting,
Sharpening your claws on Robben’s walls
And then finally you roared.
They peed in their khakis
And dropped their cigars
As the false foundations
Of apartheid on which they’d stood
Crumbled like tired bread before their eyes.
At the mention of your name
At the smell of your presence
At the sighting of your shadow
Even before you roared, they died.
But unlike them you’re an eagle
You don’t feed on the dead
You, Gracious Spirit, are not a vulture.
After you ‘d lashed them with your kindness
After your words had punched them
In the balls and they lay wriggling like a dying snake
You stretched out your arm to them.
An arm stronger than Shaka’s spear.
You stretched out your arm to them
Even before they could beg your forgiveness
You showed them how humanity must treat humanity.
You showed freedom is worth fighting and dying for.
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
Today, we mourn your ascension.
We pray that many more like you will come.
Rest in perfect peace, Madiba
Live on Warrior King.
Rest in perfect peace.”
“Nelson Mandela, now stands, but a shadow of a new type of leadership in Africa. It is my prayer that we as African’s can embrace the spirit of self-lessness exemplified by the late king. Today I am proud to be an African in the tradition of my Forefather” ~.Jeremie Barber-Asante
“Thank you for serving humanity at the peril of your life. I salute you, Nelson Mandela. A hero and soldier doesn’t die.” ~ Mj Jimmy
“I’ve had many great honors…
Needless to say, meeting Nelson Mandela… singing for and becoming friends of him and his family is above an honor, – I Say It’s A Privilege.” ~ BeBe Winans
“I hope to have just a fraction of that magnanimous heart, that goodwill, that gravitas in the face of all the oppression we face, All the obstacles that stand in our way, and the resilience to move on. RIP MADIBA…. I hope the celebration of your life will awaken a sense of good leadership and nationalism in this country.” ~ Selorm Branttie
“The sun has dimmed.
The wind has gone silent.
The earth has lost its balance.
The breasts that stood to feed a hungry people have flapped.
The old tree that provided shade for a restless soul is broken.
Tears have become bitter
Smiles have lost their grin.
Our memories may run dry
But you live in our blood.
A great hero has taken a bow!!
I have been thinking about his death throughout the night.
I could not sleep, having the thought that my Mentor has finally taken a bow is one of the most difficult ones for me.
Upon hearing the news ,I was not sure of what to do, I didn’t know whether I should jubilate or cry, all I could say was, “He is finally gone, the son of a champion is gone ”
A great hero has taken a bow
He has paid his due
He is gone
The world is paying tribute to him. A tribute he soo well deserve.
All my life, growing up as s young leader
If there was any one man who has inspired me on the more, that man is Madiba.
He was imprisoned for the wrong reasons, I think but he came out with the right course still in mind.
He came out a hero who was more than determined to carry on the fight
He fought for humanity
A leader who knows soo well when to stay and when to bow.
Just when the applause was loudest , just when the call for his stay as President was loudest he bowed
He left the scene for others
Such a selfless leader who can find??
He is the next after the great Cincinnati of the Great Roman Empire,
The ordinary farmer who led the people to conquer their opponents
People called on him to be the king, to be their leader
He went back and continued his farming business. What humanistic achievement???
NELSON, meaning the son of a champion has really championed the course of humanity.
We have come a long way and the best tribute We can ever pay to this hero is to live in peace with one another.
Today this is where We are
When it is finally done
How will the world remember us??
What will our colleagues say about our today??
It has always been my dream to shake a hand with this man before he departs but he is gone, How I wish I did.
The man who has a golden heart of forgiveness!!
He forgave everyone including those who imprisoned him for nearly three decades, people who denied him the joy of seeing what the world looked like for over 2 decades.
Even when his people thought it was Good to fight and retaliate for the atrocities committed against South Africans and the Madiba himself,
He said it was time to move on
It was time to unite and build South Africa into a country that he has always dreamt of, his priorities never changed because of circumstances. He stated clearly that he was going to fight for peace until his end, and that he did.
He said it was time to see all men as equal, that he did.
Today what do We see?? When people preach forgiveness and peace, is either We see them as hypocrites or as cowards.
Stood for what was just and right, he fought the peaceful way, he lived the peaceful way and he died in a peaceful way. He is a hero than some of the people who have lived all their lives going to war, fighting at the least opportunity, as a soldier who had the greatest support ever from his people, he could have chosen the path of war, he chose the path of peace and dialogue, the path that won but didn’t destroy, the path that built.
His conscience and heart ruled over any other thing
This is what We need today as leaders, as a continental and as world leaders to progress.
If Nelson could put race, the pain and suffering he went through over two decades aside all for the sake of humanity
Why can’t We put the unnecessary partisanship, tribalism, racism, functionalism, and nepotism aside and move on?? We have come a long way
Today this is where We are, We either move forward together as one people with a common destiny or stagnate as people trying to pull one another down.
When it is finally done
How will the world remember us??
What will our colleagues say about our today??
It has always been my dream to shake a hand with this man before he departs but he is gone, I have not been able to do that, but his deeds will forever remind me of a HERO I love and cherish . My joy is in the fact that , he has left us with the Hope that We can find the solutions We seek to the challenges of Africa and the world when we work together, it is in the fact that We know it is Good to forgive and there is nothing Good in bearing grudges and there’s nothing Good in retaliating those We think have wronged us!!
I have never seen him before, How I wish I did.
I am celebrating him because he is a hero, who never gave up on what is right
It is just telling me that ,nice stories sometimes write themselves regardless of How far their sources are.
We can do better together
Nelson’s death should make us learn a lot about his gift to humanity.
It should make us into peace loving people
It should make us know that We need one another to advance the course of humanity
It should make us understand that We shall not be here forever and it should remind us that, only our deeds shall be left when We are finally gone.
“Reminiscing Madiba
When one has delved into the ‘fortunes’ of the future by the power of sight, it becomes such a one’s obligation to polish it bright.
So by sparkling, it can break into the minds of others for a collective delivery. Let us as a people give birth to the sun. It is ours as a people; our responsibility, our splendour, our gift of recovery to humanity. Africa still stands the hope for the future. It has the opportunity to not repeat the mistakes of others who have hurriedly raped and plundered resources both material and human of the beloved planet for the pursuit of immoral ambition. It is our responsibility as a people to safely discover purpose and love by crafting from the past what was broken as an antique presentation of hope to inspire the best of potential and the possibility we each carry in us as in sublime processes as we suck on breath. Let us make this moment memorable as we share in it!
#Educate #DispelThefear #Africa” ~ Elikplim Akorli
Prisoner to President: Nelson Mandela
A tender heart is one that willingly forgives
With all the right reasons
To pay back, love showered instead.
Concentrating not on the scars, counting the stars
“NELSON MADELA – jailed @ 44
– released @ 71 released
-President @ 76
– Married for the 3rd time @ 8o
– Died @ 95
• Never had a bank account for most part of his adult life
• His original name given to him by his Father Rolihlahla means trouble maker yet grew up a unifier
• Australia and England ashes cricket match holds 1 minute silence for Mandela
• UN Security Council holds 1 minute silence for Madiba
• a non us citizen but us flies flag at half staff non UK citizen but union flag in UK flies half staff same in Australia, Russia and many nations.
• He has had a search on him on internet than any other man
• The most studied about in the world than any other living man
• leadership is not about power and riches but respect for fellows
• Though a life-long Rebel has won the Nobel Peace Prize and the highest honour of every nations award including the US Presidential Medal of Freedom Australian Highest Civilian honour, the Soviet Order of Lenin and the Bharat Ratna.
• Every World leader former and current have been busy trying to reach the CNN phone lines to pay tribute including Malcolm Frazer, Jimmy Carter, Fidel Castro, Bill Clinton, Kofi Annan.
• His former enemy and successor F.W. De Clerk calls him a tower of Peace.
• Malcolm Frazer says I wish we had 3/4 of his calibre in our time.
• Money has no match to Great name.
• life is not made up of straights but zig zags, fallings, getting up and cleaning the dust but forge ahead.
• It does not matter how late you start be patient and still make a difference. It’s never too late.
• It does not matter what name you bear was given and even what people think you will grow up to be .
• It does not matter your tribe, home town or country.
• You can always make those who called you a rebel define you extra ordinary and magnanimous as F.W. De Clerk said he made me angry at those who spoke wrong about him to me.
• It does not take how long you serve to have all your peers wishing to associate with you even at your death.” ~ Samuel Agyemang
“In this age everyone is a publisher, Speaker and a media house, everyone can talk and write, but you must earn the right to be read and heard. Live your dreams and make a mark in history”~ Bernard Kelvin Clive
Comments (2)
Jeremie Barber-Asante
Excellent piece, thank you for taking the time to honor one of mentors and fathers.
JaySmoke Repjesusent
Love this fam…great concept and well executed 🙂