The Power of Your Imagination
1. Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere
2. All things are created twice; first, mentally then physically
3. Everything you see around you is a product of imagination and thought.
4. In the beginning of creation, God through the power of Imagination created something (the whole creation
5. “Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses.
6. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present or have happened in the past.
7. Memory is actually a manifestation of imagination.
– Everyone possesses some imagination ability.
– In some it may be highly developed and in others it may manifest in a weaker form.
– It manifests in various degrees in various people.
– Imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind.
– It gives the ability to look at any situation from a different point of view, and enables one to mentally explore the past and the future.”
8. This symbolizes how we as human beings possessing the nature and Spirit of God can only create something out of nothing through our imaginations.
9. One powerful gift the Almighty gave to all humanity (both believers and unbelievers) is the power of imagination.
10. It is one of the distinctive factors between man and animals. Animals can neither think about the future nor plan
11. But every human has the innate ability to envision the future, plan, and implement their strategies for the future.The Scripture declares that “The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (Luke 16:8), in that they use their natural talents and gifts to advance the kingdom of darkness while we are only busy singing and shouting. In ancient Israel during the era of King Saul;The bible records that “Now there was no blacksmith to be found throughout all the land of Israel, for the Philistines said, “Lest the Hebrew make swords or spears.” But all the Israelites would go down to the Philistines to sharpen each man’s plowshare, his mattock, his ax, and his sickle; and the charge for a sharpening was a pim for the plowshares, the mattocks, the forks, and the axes, and to set the points of the goads. So it came about, on the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people who were with Saul and Jonathan. But they were found with Saul and Jonathan his son” (1 Samuel 13 vs. 19-22, NKJV).While the children of God were busy playing church, the “Philistines” through the power of imagination and creativity were moving into strategic places in society so that it doesn’t matter how loud they shout and even prayed; at the end, they would have to come to them to sharpen their plowshares, axes, etc. In other words, the Philistines would still run their lives, communities, and nations. This generation is experiencing the exact reoccurrence of the quandary the ancient Israelite found themselves in.
The very fabric of our society is seriously transmuting into the systems of the kingdom of darkness, and we citizens of the kingdom of Heaven seem to ignore our social responsibilities and divine assignment thereby relinquishing the world into the hands of the power of darkness. The Church (citizens of the kingdom of God) had great dominion and influence in every facet of society in the 19th and 20th centuries because they owned and operated their own systems (schools, hospitals, financial institution, etc.). Hence, governments and politicians valued their presence in society and gave them a vital voice in the affairs and direction of the nations. Bear in mind that he who can see and experience the future through the power of imagination before it arrives, steers the course of the world thereby controlling the systems of society and consequently influencing the destiny of the people and nations.
Multinational organizations like BMW, Mercedes, Microsoft, Sony, Apple, Ford, etc., pay people billions of dollars just to capture the future 20 to 50 years ahead through the power of their imagination. No wonder these companies run our societies and its affairs today and also command the attention and respect of governments all over the world.
Leading in any sphere of civilization and taking dominion in the world requires stepping into the future long before any other person or organization gets there.
– Imagination is the cognitive studio where visions and dreams are rehearsed
– It’s also a very powerful tool used to capture visions and dreams into the present.
– Without imagination, vision cannot be visualized (seen in your mind’s eye).
– Imagination is the mental component that brings color and zest to your vision.
– “I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel.”
Miss America 1997, Tara Dawn Holland’s road to success epitomizes how through the power of imagination we can arise above all odds and step into our destined environment and domain:At a young age, Tara visualized herself as Miss America regularly and even tied a beach towel around her neck to create the “royal robe” she had observed Miss Americas put on in pictures. Nevertheless, Tara’s indigent beginning was a hurdle for her pageant dream but she was persistent because she had a vision.
At seventh grade, Tara attended a concert by a former Miss America, Cheryl Prewitt which literally transformed her life. After the concert, Tara’s parents bought a cassette tape of her music and Cheryl’s autobiography, which she signed. Months later, Tara was given a school assignment on a book report on an autobiography. The assignment however required every student to present him or herself as if they were the main character of the book instead of the usual written or oral report. This compelled Tara to read her new book thoroughly and in her preparation for the presentation, she made a crown of cardboard, aluminum foil, glitter, fake rose, and a banner with an inscription “MISS AMERICA,” to school.
During her presentation, Tara stood before her classmates and declared “Good morning. I’m Miss America.” Tara in reminiscing on that day said, “I knew then that I wanted to become Miss America.” In 1994, she signed up for the Miss Florida pageant where she became the first runner-up. The following year, she contested for it and once again became the first runner-up. She nearly threw in the towel but resolved to focus on her quest to become Miss America. In 1997, Tara moved to Kansas where she contested for the Miss Kansas pageant and won the title this time. In that very year, she went on to win the Miss America pageant and realized her childhood dream.
After the contest, a reporter asked Tara the secret to her success. She then disclosed that after she had lost twice in a row at the state-level competitions, she almost gave up, but she went out and rented dozens of videos of local pageants, state pageants, Miss Teen, Miss Universe, Miss World and whatsoever pageant videos she laid her hands on and watched them over and over again. Another journalist asked her if she was nervous walking down the runway in front of millions of people watching on television and with the announcer singing the famous Miss America song. Tara gave a very interesting response by saying, “No, I wasn’t nervous at all,” she said, “You see, I had walked down that runway thousands of times before.” You can also realize the pictures (vision) you keep seeing about you in the future through the activation and nurturing of your imagination. Don’t let where you are presently, what happened or is happening to you, what you lack (education or resources), deter you from becoming the person you were truly destined to be. Like Tara Holland you can also experience the future in your mind through the power of imagination before it arrives so that when it arrives you can likewise say that “I had walked down that runway thousands of times before.”
When Disneyworld was completed, Walt Disney had already passed away, a reporter said to his brother, Roy Disney, “it’s a shame that Walt never saw this complete,” Roy replied “Walt saw this before any of us did.” That is the power of imagination.
The following are some ideas to assist you to activate and nurture your imagination:
1. Meditate On The Word Of God (Joshua 1 Vs. 8) – It’s essential to always use the Word of God as a starting point of imagination. When you meditate on the Word of God, it gives you a mental portrait of the promises of God, who you are in God, and who you are destined to be.
2. Start Thinking Creatively And Stay Focused – Creativity is thinking differently. It also helps you to engage your imagination on a higher level. To be creative requires you to think totally different from everybody and imagination is an integral part of creativity. Focused thinking is thinking on a specific object, situation, or event, positively with the aim of emerging with a solution, tactics, or strategy.
Buckminster Fuller purported that “All children are born geniuses, and we spend the first six years of their lives degeniusing them.” In other words, we are all born with the mindset that nothing is impossible in this world but as we grow, family, society, and circumstances mitigates or zaps out that belief. Imagination cannot be effectively done unless you seclude yourself from all activities and people. The ancient people understood this element of life, therefore they often got away from the crowd and activities to focus on God, themselves, and life as a whole.
3. Visualize The Future – This is the practice of letting your mind loose into the future on positive things. Children are good with daydreaming. That’s why Jesus said, “The kingdom of God belongs to people who will be like children;” because children believe anything you tell them and daydream a lot. Spend time to ponder on what you see about you in the future.
4. Feed Your Mind With Positives (Philippians 4 Vs. 8) – What we are today is a product of our thoughts (imaginations) yesterday. Like in computer science— garbage in, garbage out. What you feed your mind daily would determine who you will be tomorrow. While you are feeding your mind with positive images, guard your mind from negative images and influences. “More than anything, guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it” (Proverbs 4 vs. 23).
As you start activating and developing your imagination; think big, think beyond your generation, think beyond your nation, think globally, and think godly. God bless you. YES WE CAN!!!!tion will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere
2. All things are created twice; first, mentally then physically
3. Everything you see around you is a product of imagination and thought.
4. In the beginning of creation, God through the power of Imagination created something (the whole creation including humanity) out of nothing!
5. “Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses.
6. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present or have happened in the past.
7. Memory is actually a manifestation of imagination.
– Everyone possesses some imagination ability.
– In some it may be highly developed and in others it may manifest in a weaker form.
– It manifests in various degrees in various people.
– Imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind.
– It gives the ability to look at any situation from a different point of view, and enables one to mentally explore the past and the future.”
8. This symbolizes how we as human beings possessing the nature and Spirit of God can only create something out of nothing through our imaginations.
9. One powerful gift the Almighty gave to all humanity (both believers and unbelievers) is the power of imagination.
10. It is one of the distinctive factors between man and animals. Animals can neither think about the future nor plan
11. But every human has the innate ability to envision the future, plan, and implement their strategies for the future.
The Scripture declares that “The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (Luke 16:8), in that they use their natural talents and gifts to advance the kingdom of darkness while we are only busy singing and shouting. In ancient Israel during the era of King Saul;The bible records that “Now there was no blacksmith to be found throughout all the land of Israel, for the Philistines said, “Lest the Hebrew make swords or spears.” But all the Israelites would go down to the Philistines to sharpen each man’s plowshare, his mattock, his ax, and his sickle; and the charge for a sharpening was a pim for the plowshares, the mattocks, the forks, and the axes, and to set the points of the goads. So it came about, on the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people who were with Saul and Jonathan. But they were found with Saul and Jonathan his son” (1 Samuel 13 vs. 19-22, NKJV).
While the children of God were busy playing church, the “Philistines” through the power of imagination and creativity were moving into strategic places in society so that it doesn’t matter how loud they shout and even prayed; at the end, they would have to come to them to sharpen their plowshares, axes, etc. In other words, the Philistines would still run their lives, communities, and nations. This generation is experiencing the exact reoccurrence of the quandary the ancient Israelite found themselves in.
The very fabric of our society is seriously transmuting into the systems of the kingdom of darkness, and we citizens of the kingdom of Heaven seem to ignore our social responsibilities and divine assignment thereby relinquishing the world into the hands of the power of darkness. The Church (citizens of the kingdom of God) had great dominion and influence in every facet of society in the 19th and 20th centuries because they owned and operated their own systems (schools, hospitals, financial institution, etc.). Hence, governments and politicians valued their presence in society and gave them a vital voice in the affairs and direction of the nations. Bear in mind that he who can see and experience the future through the power of imagination before it arrives, steers the course of the world thereby controlling the systems of society and consequently influencing the destiny of the people and nations.
Multinational organizations like BMW, Mercedes, Microsoft, Sony, Apple, Ford, etc., pay people billions of dollars just to capture the future 20 to 50 years ahead through the power of their imagination. No wonder these companies run our societies and its affairs today and also command the attention and respect of governments all over the world.
Leading in any sphere of civilization and taking dominion in the world requires stepping into the future long before any other person or organization gets there.
– Imagination is the cognitive studio where visions and dreams are rehearsed
– It’s also a very powerful tool used to capture visions and dreams into the present.
– Without imagination, vision cannot be visualized (seen in your mind’s eye).
– Imagination is the mental component that brings color and zest to your vision.
– “I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel.”
Miss America 1997, Tara Dawn Holland’s road to success epitomizes how through the power of imagination we can arise above all odds and step into our destined environment and domain:At a young age, Tara visualized herself as Miss America regularly and even tied a beach towel around her neck to create the “royal robe” she had observed Miss Americas put on in pictures. Nevertheless, Tara’s indigent beginning was a hurdle for her pageant dream but she was persistent because she had a vision.
At seventh grade, Tara attended a concert by a former Miss America, Cheryl Prewitt which literally transformed her life. After the concert, Tara’s parents bought a cassette tape of her music and Cheryl’s autobiography, which she signed. Months later, Tara was given a school assignment on a book report on an autobiography. The assignment however required every student to present him or herself as if they were the main character of the book instead of the usual written or oral report. This compelled Tara to read her new book thoroughly and in her preparation for the presentation, she made a crown of cardboard, aluminum foil, glitter, fake rose, and a banner with an inscription “MISS AMERICA,” to school.
During her presentation, Tara stood before her classmates and declared “Good morning. I’m Miss America.” Tara in reminiscing on that day said, “I knew then that I wanted to become Miss America.” In 1994, she signed up for the Miss Florida pageant where she became the first runner-up. The following year, she contested for it and once again became the first runner-up. She nearly threw in the towel but resolved to focus on her quest to become Miss America. In 1997, Tara moved to Kansas where she contested for the Miss Kansas pageant and won the title this time. In that very year, she went on to win the Miss America pageant and realized her childhood dream.
After the contest, a reporter asked Tara the secret to her success. She then disclosed that after she had lost twice in a row at the state-level competitions, she almost gave up, but she went out and rented dozens of videos of local pageants, state pageants, Miss Teen, Miss Universe, Miss World and whatsoever pageant videos she laid her hands on and watched them over and over again. Another journalist asked her if she was nervous walking down the runway in front of millions of people watching on television and with the announcer singing the famous Miss America song. Tara gave a very interesting response by saying, “No, I wasn’t nervous at all,” she said, “You see, I had walked down that runway thousands of times before.” You can also realize the pictures (vision) you keep seeing about you in the future through the activation and nurturing of your imagination. Don’t let where you are presently, what happened or is happening to you, what you lack (education or resources), deter you from becoming the person you were truly destined to be. Like Tara Holland you can also experience the future in your mind through the power of imagination before it arrives so that when it arrives you can likewise say that “I had walked down that runway thousands of times before.”
When Disneyworld was completed, Walt Disney had already passed away, a reporter said to his brother, Roy Disney, “it’s a shame that Walt never saw this complete,” Roy replied “Walt saw this before any of us did.” That is the power of imagination.
The following are some ideas to assist you to activate and nurture your imagination:
1. Meditate On The Word Of God (Joshua 1 Vs. 8) – It’s essential to always use the Word of God as a starting point of imagination. When you meditate on the Word of God, it gives you a mental portrait of the promises of God, who you are in God, and who you are destined to be.
2. Start Thinking Creatively And Stay Focused – Creativity is thinking differently. It also helps you to engage your imagination on a higher level. To be creative requires you to think totally different from everybody and imagination is an integral part of creativity. Focused thinking is thinking on a specific object, situation, or event, positively with the aim of emerging with a solution, tactics, or strategy.
Buckminster Fuller purported that “All children are born geniuses, and we spend the first six years of their lives degeniusing them.” In other words, we are all born with the mindset that nothing is impossible in this world but as we grow, family, society, and circumstances mitigates or zaps out that belief. Imagination cannot be effectively done unless you seclude yourself from all activities and people. The ancient people understood this element of life, therefore they often got away from the crowd and activities to focus on God, themselves, and life as a whole.
3. Visualize The Future – This is the practice of letting your mind loose into the future on positive things. Children are good with daydreaming. That’s why Jesus said, “The kingdom of God belongs to people who will be like children;” because children believe anything you tell them and daydream a lot. Spend time to ponder on what you see about you in the future.
4. Feed Your Mind With Positives (Philippians 4 Vs. 8) – What we are today is a product of our thoughts (imaginations) yesterday. Like in computer science— garbage in, garbage out. What you feed your mind daily would determine who you will be tomorrow. While you are feeding your mind with positive images, guard your mind from negative images and influences. “More than anything, guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it” (Proverbs 4 vs. 23).
As you start activating and developing your imagination; think big, think beyond your generation, think beyond your nation, think globally, and think godly. God bless you. YES WE CAN!!!!
By: Charles Sam, Golden Future Promotions. Accra – Ghana.
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