
18 Items to Discard before the New Year

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Personal Branding Podcast / Personal Development

18 Items to Discard before the New Year

18 Items to Discard before the New Year

1. Old makeups 
2. Worn-out footwear
3. Old & worn-out undies 
4. Old invitation cards, coupons, Etc
5. Old hair clips, wigs & accessories 
6. Old &Unused cloths & jewelry 
7. Old & spoilt utensils 
8. Unused apps on your phone 
9. Stacked unused freebies 
10. Unfitting & oversized clothes 
11. Old calendars, brochures, flyers, gift wrappers, etc
12. Junks in the fridge 
13. Empty containers, deodorants, paper bags. etc 
14. Old, broken & unused toys 
15. Unused & unprofitable subscriptions & memberships 
16. Return borrowed items ðŸ˜‚
17. De-clutter purse, wallet & bags
18. Service your car: change the tyre, oils, wipers, etc.

The Personal Branding Podcast was listed among
the “Top 50 Branding Podcasts You Should be Listening To” by MerLine One Inc.

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